Wednesday 4 November 2009

Hello People

Hi, this as i'm sure your all aware due to the fact you on is my blog, funny eh? A blog on anyway, this my friends is my blog. Keep checking back every few days to see what amusing anecdotes i've posted, most of them are going to be about my life and yes I am a child, I know nothing about the stress and pressure of a nine till five job overtime and cooking for screaming unappreciative little bratts who seek to undermine you at every turn, well I do know about the last one.... for I am one. All of that aside, im going to show you what a bitch it can be to be a kid, i'm not saying that you guys don't have it hard atall but i'm going to show you all of the horrors of going to school in 'This day and age' Don't worry I won't just be ranting about school, I'll also rant about life and things that annoy me. Ofcourse my blogg would be very boring if it was all rants so I may drop the odd other thing in there, just dont count on it, anyway to all of you reading this thanks, and have a great day.

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